Having a little new addition in your life.. a new human being.. very much demanding on you and your presence.. a new voice.. exciting and so touching.. a new feeling.. and even more: facing with a totally new person inside you.. seeing how you are about to evolve.. experiencing three new birth at once .. a new YOU and YOUR OTHER HALF .. along with an adorably tiny little human..
All of these make it so worth being documented in the days that are going by quicker than you’d imagine ..
The magical power of the photographs are to take you back to all those very firsts.. first touch.. first smiles.. first hand grabbing.. first look.. feel smells.. and more importantly, first facing with your new role.. Mother and Father..
Having a chance of meeting the newly parents beforehand, for their maternity photoshoot, I am much more impatient to meet the new arrival! Having seen all those excitements, heard all the plans they have in mind, their thoughts and concerns about the next few months.. and seen those little things they have put together and learnt about to be ready for a big, new and wonderful stage of their life to begin.. It is a unique opportunity for me to be there once they are starting out and everything is still new… and even more to be there to document this new beginning for them and the future of their children to have a chance to go back and find those feeling once again.. fresh and new.. like the first days…
The newborn sessions does not always go as planned and I am always flexible with what you prefer to do.
For this little boy, we had planned for a very early shoot soon after birth but having to stay at the hospital for a few days and the struggles and discomfort this hospital stay brought to this beginning, we finally met when he was about 3 weeks-old and once more again for a mini update when he was nearly 2 months.
He was an awake little boy throughout the shoot, as you may expect with a bit lighter and shorter sleep time. He was curious all the time of what is going on as well as of course being hungry with no break!
Knowing he is already past that newborn stage, we planned for a very relaxed and flexible shoot, followed by him and all he wants at every moment. Making parents sure of there is no time limit and at this stage the best is to have no concern and follow his routine usually ends with best result. Since the baby can feel how calm everything is around so behave in his usually way. and then it is up to me and the camera to capture the moments as they reveal.
Here are some photos from his two photography experiences so far. Stay tuned for more as we have planned to capture his first year milestones.