There are some kinds of joy that are not easily describable with words! and the JOY of CAPTURING CONNECTION is one of them!This joyful family gathering photography, a few weeks ago in Richmond park was one of my most memorable ones, full of joy and emotions, laughters, cuddles and certainly a lot of runnings!
Looking at these photos now, I remember the very first time we met, almost 4 years ago in spring! When big sister was around 4, with her little 7 months-old baby sister in Kew gardens! Click here if you like to have a pick how little they were and how different the shoot was!
We had another shoot in autumn the year after in a beautiful chilly but very colourful morning and here we’re, after 3 years, I had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with everyone and photographing all the family, plus one little new addition and their joyful cousins!
It is not easy to describe my excitement seeing everyone again, being introduced to the little man and see how grown up the girls are. To me, it is like seeing a friend after years!
And more importantly, that deep feeling of
“We are about to create new moments, which will be saved in your mind as part of your family-time memories, for years and years!”
Followed by the excitement of
“How can I capture the true moments of the family this time?”
and that feeling of not knowing how the day, the moments and the emotions are going to be revealed are among my favourites every time I start a shoot!

Enjoy seeing these moments, and remember to capture yours while they are there, the childhood, that cheekiness, and just them being children! Before growing up and evolving into the next stage.. while they are still very little..

When our children start to have their own family,
that is when we are asked more often how everything was when they were kids?
How our days were with little kidos running around? How was our moments, laughters, cryings and how did we all feel at that time?

These photos, the albums, all our memories up on the wall,
are there to tell our stories…
when they ask in future …
how things were.. when they were little…

Children are little only for a little while…
Capture those moments on time!

and what is a better gift for grandparents than a gorgeous photo of all their beloved children and grandchildren!

What moments would you like to remember, keep and tell as a childhood story to your children when they grow up?
I would love to talk and capture
your own moments!
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